Friday, July 25, 2008

Light and reflection

Light signifies the presence of God
And in His light, we see light.

I am not sure who authored it, but I quote Sr. Rosemary for the above lines. For four years, every Monday morning she led us in prayer with these lines. A devout nun, her voice carried a deep conviction and it resonated through the auditorium as children entered in single file from 3 wide entrances, all a-chatter with their friends. This invocation to God was enough to quieten us, and in many ways rein in our wandering minds and focus on the Light. Its significance I did not comprehend then. With every passing day now, the layers of wisdom contained within it dawn upon me.
It is only by His very grace that we see this world, the light around us, the light within us- the thread that unites us with His being. It is only by His mercy that we are endowed with all qualities necessary to even perceive His dominion. As V put it, we are all but mirrors, and this life a precious gift to us so we may wipe its surface to remove the layers of doubt, misconception and ignorance, as much as we can to reflect His light outward; in other words, life is a medium to strive for purity of spiritual purpose so we may reflect and radiate His brilliance, and in so doing illumine the minds of others around us and spread the joy that it is to be in the reflection of His glory.

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