Sunday, November 16, 2008

Giving thanks...

I was not going to blog this weekend. But this moment is far too overwhelming and joyful that write I must and give thanks many times over; for I have been overwhelmed by the incredible generosity and kindness of two of the most beautiful souls I am fortunate to count among my dear friends; for reminding me, again, of the many many kindly souls who have shown their tremendous support, each in their own inimitable way, for what I shall endeavour to do in the holidays this year; for yet others for having been my inspiration to take this step forward, and still more for giving me the opportunity to serve...
This is the month of being thankful, and indeed there is so very much to be thankful for. And so I share with you my dears, this simple and heart-warming hymn.

Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks unto the Holy One
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks unto the Holy One
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son

And now let the weak say, "I am strong"
Let the poor say, "I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us"
And now let the weak say, "I am strong"
Let the poor say, "I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us"

And I must add that God sends to us in every creation of His, the very Holy One, as a tiny aspect of His myriad forms, so we may joyfully love and serve one another. And so, I must thank every one of you, my dear friends, for giving me reason to believe, for giving me strength when I was weak, for giving me hope when I was crestfallen, for lending me your shoulders when I needed to lean, for sharing your wisdom when I was lost, and for being who you are.



8&20 said...

beautiful thoughts, aa. so inspiring. thank you.

Bright Butterfly said...

I love this hymn (was always one of my favorites to sing in church) and am so thankful to you for inspiring me in service, for getting me to think about new ways to be of service, how to properly plan for and organize that service...

people support you because you have given them the sincerest gift of your example.

Amrithaa said...

Lavish, as ever, with your positive feedback and encouragement bb, thank you! :) & thank you 8&20. What would I do without your loving visits to my ramblings?

Bright Butterfly said...

no joke, i saw "give thanks with a greatful heart" posted on the sign in front of a church on the way home... and i started singing to myself, and then i remembered ur post.

Bright Butterfly said...

and did i say yet how grateful i am that you're building unity by blogging on gratitude and love this month? not sure if my VOTMers noticed the last two lines in my Nov. 5 post -- that was meant to be my symbolic gesture of giving up some of my stubbornness and embracing love and thankfulness. :)

Amrithaa said...

Yes dear :) I did. I also remember wishing I could recollect each meditative experience in as much detail and relate every physical aspect of it to its higher spiritual significance as you have. :)