Thursday, May 28, 2009


Life is no straight and easy corridor along which we travel free and unhampered,

but a maze of passages,

through which we must seek our way,

lost and confused,

now and again checked in a blind alley.

But always, if we have faith,

God will open a door for us,

not perhaps one that we ourselves would have thought of,

but one that will ultimately prove good for us.

- A. J. Cronin


Bright Butterfly said...

Amen, so true. This rings beautifully true to my understanding of faith.
I just listened to this fantastic radio program (see my latest blog post) on the meaning of faith, and a rabbi on the program basically describes faith in the same way that this poet encapsulates, as "an abiding trust that the way things are working out is part of something bigger and probably incomprehensible."

Bright Butterfly said...

Just read this again and want to reemphasize how much I love this poem. So simple, yet so poignant. Thanks for sharing A. ;)

Amrithaa said...

i know, it is isn't it?