Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Dear Ones,

I would like you to know how grateful I am for the multitude of ways in which so many of you have, sometimes even unbeknownst to you, shown me much kindness and have given me great strength, which during these last few days, has delivered me from pain and confusion to clarity and peace. I must now reassure you that, as a result, I am not sad or grieving; I do not mourn any loss, as I have seen something larger that has been gained, for which I am only thankful. Know that I am as joyful and peaceful as I can possibly be.

I am however, also mindful of a beautiful facet of this adage (that a friend has repeated many many times over to me, and that I only recently realized) 'Make hay while the sun shines.' It is not very often that circumstances, which provide the space to question and understand what it truly means to accept peace and let go of mortal attachment, present themselves. Even less often have I found myself receptive to such opportunities to delve deep into my inner- most fears and attachments. Now that I have chosen peace, I would like to harvest it to its fullest potential. And so if it seems that I have, over the course of this last week, chosen silence over speech, seclusion over company, calm over excitement, it has only been to dig deeper into the wellspring of true joy. It shall soon brim over in ways familiar to many. But in the meantime, know that I am well. And I trust that you are too, as you are in my prayers.

With much love and thanks,

Yours, sincerely.


8&20 said...

must thank peevee for saying that to me.

together you and i can feed all the cows in the world :).

[cows eat hay, right?]

Amrithaa said...

hahaha! true! :)

Bright Butterfly said...

I haven't heard that saying in awhile and it will definitely be at the top of my brain... hopefully for awhile! Just imagine how different life would be if we could make hay all the time, whether the sun was shining or not.
I hope you are growing a lot from your journey to your "true joy". But do come out soon so we can make some hay together. :)

Amrithaa said...

bb :) a beautiful next step indeed, to make hay whether the sun shines or not :) thanks for your support dear!